Gary G. Gilbertson & Associates, LLC Accident Reconstruction — Expert Witness for

Snowmobile, Boat & Watercraft, All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), Bicycle, and Automobile Accidents

Solid, Broad-Based Experience as expert witnesses in Product, Motor Vehicle, and recreational vehicle Litigation

Among the very few expert witnesses worldwide who are qualified to help you prepare and present your case with solid, fact-based expert testimony, in cases involving:

  • Snowmobiles
  • Recreational Marine
  • All-Terrain Vehicles
  • We bring to your case expertise that is grounded in real-world industry experience:

    • Engineers, engineering managers, and consulting engineers for major manufacturers of snowmobiles, boats and marine motors, recreational vehicles, internal combustion engines, engine controls, and other mechanical systems.
    • Holders of multiple patents for boats and marine engines
    • Active in sanctioned snowmobile, motorcycle, bicycle, and ATV racing
    • Seasoned and successful courtroom witnesses

    We are experienced expert witnesses with a unique area of expertise and a strong record of successes. We will:

    • help you evaluate a potential case
    • identify key issues, questions, documents, and other evidence for discovery
    • provide detailed accident/incident reconstruction
    • prepare exhibits and testimony that are clear, concise, accurate, and objective

    Our services include:

    • Vehicle inspection
    • Scene photographs
    • Video documentation
    • CAD scene diagrams
    • Accident reconstruction
    • Computer simulation
    • Laboratory and on site testing
    • Component failure analysis
    • Human factors analysis
    • Site and vehicle scale models
    • Courtroom displays and exhibits
    • Fact-based expert witness testimony

    We will help you Avoid the Four Most Common Mistakes Attorneys Make when hiring an expert witness.

    How Can We Help You Hire
    the Right Expert

    • It is critical to match the expert to the case. We have solid experience in a wide range of mechanical engineering projects and processes. We are among the very few expert witnesses worldwide who are specially qualified to help you prepare and present cases involving snowmobiles, recreational boats and motors, and ATVs. If we are not the best choice for your case, we will be the first to tell you so.

    • Working with you from the outset, we will help you evaluate your client’s potential case and help you identify and frame key arguments before you file the complaint. We know these industries and their jargon from the inside. We will spot limiting language and help you probe their carefully hedged answers, to help you challenge the opposition’s case. You will save time and effort in preparing valid cases. You will allow us time to prepare the strongest possible testimony. And you will avoid wasting time only to find that a client has no case.

    • We will help you discover information that might be harmful to your position, so you will be well prepared in advance for whatever the opposition might throw at you.

    • Looking good and speaking well are essential, but they aren’t enough. We also have the depth and diversity of experience in engineering, manufacturing, and accident reconstruction. That gives us and our testimony strong credibility. When you hire Gilbertson and Associates, you get an expert witness with:
    • Extensive courtroom experience.

    • Proven ability to prepare, present, and defend successful exhibits and testimony.

    • Presentations that are clear, concise, solidly supported, and defensible.